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Death Knight Application from X realm (Accepted)

3 posters

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Personal Information

Name: Peter
Age: 19
Location: Bulgaria
Abit about yourself: You know, what sort of hobbies / stuff do you do outside of wow etc.
I live in Bugaria with my family. WoW is a part of my daily life but i still spend time with my friends doing some usual daily activities. My hobbies are playing WoW TCG , Table Tenis , watching animes and reading manga. I am very calm and i hate to open arguements with someone a.k.a. drama. I can discribe myself as friendly, social
ambitious and naive.

Character information

Character name: Brunto

Class: Death Knight
Race: Sexy Blood Elf
Armoury Link:
Just like to leave a short comment. The hit cap and expertise ratings are a bit messy cause im sorting out my gear at the moment. But they will be fixed as soon as possible. And the sockets
are also going to be fixed as soon as i find a JC that can craft the proper gems.

Total time /played: 41 days

Profession: For this specific part, please list which professions you have and why you chose them.
Enchanting and Herbalism. Im using enchanting mostly to enchant my rings and herbalism for flasks/elexirs or just making gold. Ive chosen these proffesion cause i find them most suitable
for me. Im planing to replace Herbalism with Inscription as soon as i collect enough mats to level from 1 to 400 so i can get the shoulders enchant. Im willing to change my proffesions
as long as they have some benefits for raiding

Gear: This ones important, let us know WHY you chose that certain gear setup, gems to enchants to spec.
I didnt actualy choose my current gear. This is the best i got so far. Before going "Lol 6 expertise" let me tell you that im sorting out my gear since i had alot of changes in a short amount of time. And im fully aware wich stats am i most likely lacking at and i guarantee you they are going to be fixed as soon as possible. Same goes for the enchants and sockets. I read alot of class mechanics/theorycrafting so im aware of whats most important for my specc Smile .
Screenshot of UI: THIS IS A MUST, we want to see your UI!
I like it simple without any complicated addons to fill my screen. I just use the core raid addons ; DBM,OMen,Recount
Im using the folowing macros as keybindings 1,2,3 in order to maximise my dps
1. /castsequence reset=combat/target Icy Touch, Plague Strike
2. /castsequence reset=combat/target Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Death Strike, Heart Strike, Death Coil
Followed by DRW if not on CD
3. /castsequence reset=combat/target Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Death Strike, Death Coil,
Your Raiding experience: list all your raiding experience, be it from vanilla wow, TBC and WOTLK.

Karazhan - Cleared at early TBC
Gruul's Lair - Cleared at early TBC
Magtheridons Lair - Cleared at early TBC
Tempest Keep - Cleared At TBC
Serphentshrine Cavern - Cleared At TBC
Mount Hyjal - Cleared At TBC
Black Temple - Cleared At TBC
Zul'Aman - Cleared a week after patch release.
Sunwell Plateau - Up To Felmyst Pre Nerf
I also had Hand Of A'dal title (Wich is obtained by doing the black temple attunement quest that was nerfed at the Middle of TBC).

This was experienced through my old main >

I havent played with him from a long time though.

Naxx10/25 , OS10+2d/25lessismore , EOE10 , Ulduar10 - 12/14 + alot of hardmode attempts. I know that my experience isnt that bright looking but i didnt have much opportunities in WOTLK.
Though i can guarantee you im a very fast learner. ANd i watch and read tons of hardmode tactics( ask me about something if you want ). For a example i learned the Mimiron tactics with one
explanation and i survived the whole fight.

Your Availability: Please list your availability, what days your available and times.
Any day or hour can be a raid time for me!

Raid Performance: Post a link / few links showing how you perform in a raid enviroment. WWS / WOL etc.
Sorry i dont have any WWS / WOL reports.

Guild History: List the guilds you have been in or are in are at the moment, and why you left or want to leave.

My Last Guild was Artificial Talent but they have stoped raiding and slowly began to disband so i left in search for a suitable guild.

Connection / Computer spec: List what sort of connection your on, and what your comp spec is, also include what settings you play WOW on.
AMD Athlon 64x2 7750+ , ATI RADEON HD 4670 1GB DDR3 , 3gb RAM.
Im runing on Windows XP SP3. I can run wow without any graphics / fps or latency problems. I dont have any system problems with my computer since i install a fresh copy of my windows
every mount.
My connection is solid i guarantee it.

Who do you know in the guild: Anyone in the guild that can vouch for you? then let us know!
Sorry but nobody.

Because i am impressed by the guilds progress. Because i think it is the right place for me. I think i can fit in perfectly. I want to help you guys out in raids with the best i have and achieve my goals in the guild - wich include
realm 1st or even world 1st kills. OR high end game progress as a whole!

I dont know what else to write. So just shoot me with some questions and ill be glad to answer them.


Missing the question where your asked to provide a WWS / WOL log, please get that sorted. 5 mins on the training dummy will be enough, if you dont have any raid logs.



Sorry i have missed the question. What exactly do you want to know about my performance. I dont have any WWS logs but i have some raid screens where my dps is linked etc. I can try to link my DPS on dummy for 5 minutes but my dps starts to decrease after i stopped atacking cause my Frost Fever is still active.

4Death Knight Application from X realm (Accepted) Empty Accepted. Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:27 pm



Nvm, accepted for trial. Dazzle us!

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